السبت، 13 سبتمبر 2008

English For Third Preparatory Year

Unit 1 : Learning languages تعلم اللغات
  1. Vocabulary :
    Important هام
    Overseas بالخارج
    Learn يتعلم
    Language لغة
    For fun للمرح
    Learner متعلم
    History تاريخ
    International دولي
    Learning تعلم
    Company شركة
    The world العالم
    End ينهى
    Difference اختلاف
    Word كلمة
    An end نهاية
    Different مختلف
    Phrase عبارة
    Hope يأمل
    The same …. .نفس الـ
    Sentence جملة
    hope أمل
    Machines آلات
    Tour guide مرشد سياحي
    Health صحة
    Main أساسي
    Plans خطط
    Healthy صحي
    Idea فكرة
    Planes طائرات
    University جامعة
    Practise يمارس
    Outside بالخارج
    Study يدرس – يذاكر
    Practice ممارسة
    Inside بالداخل
    Student طالب
    Businesses أعمال
    Magazine مجلة
    Guess يخمن
    Conversation محادثة
    Business man رجل أعمال
    The Middle East الشرق الأوسط
    Enormous ضخم
    The park المنتزه
    Conference مؤتمر
    Percent % بالمائة
    Century قرن
    probably (adv) من المحتمل
  2. Words & Opposites :
    Difficult صعب easy (adj) سهل important (adj) هام Unimportant غير late متأخر early (adj / adv)مبكراً healthy (adj) صحى – مفيد للصحة Unhealthy غير صحى new (adj) جديد Old قديم possible (adj) ممكن impossible مستحيل
  3. ldioms & expressions
    for the first time لاول مرة
    make mistakes ير تكب أخطاء
    around the world حول العالم
    understand each otherيفهم بعضنا البعض
    Which languages? أى اللغات
    give advice ينصح
    to have fun يمر ح
    try + الأسم يجرب
    try +المصدر يحاول
    do the homework يعمل الواجب
    a lot better أفضل بكثير
    practise language يمارس لغة
    feel better يشعر بتحسن
    as a second language كلغة ثانية
    do better يؤدى بشكل أفضل
    travel overseas يسافر للخار ج
    say hello يرحب- يحيى
    get a job يحصل على وظيفة
    say goodbye يودع
    change jobs يغير الوظيفة
    make sure يتأكد
  4. Prepositions :
    at school
    at university
    at hotel
    at hospital
    in different ways
    in 2 days
    in China
    in English
    in May
    afraid of
    cause of
    work with
    help with
    communicate with
    reason for
    wait for
    for fun
    listen to
    go to
    on Sunday
    on the computer
    on the internet
  5. Listening Texts : Tapescript 1:
    Nawal: Good morning. I’m here to meet Mrs Mai Yamada.
    Receptionist: Mrs Yamada? She’s in room 412.
    Nawal: 412? Thank you.
    Nawal: Hello, are you Mrs Mai Yamada?
    Mai: Yes, I am.
    Nawal: How do you do? My name is Nawal
    Ahmed. I’m from the university.
    Mai: Pleased to meet you.
    Nawal: I’m here to take you to the conference.
    Mai: The conference? Oh yes, very good. Are we going by bus or taxi?
    Nawal: We’re going by taxi.
    Mai: Is it here now?
    Nawal: No, we can leave in about five minutes.
    Nawal: Good afternoon, Mrs Yamada.
    Mai: Hello. Please call me Mai.
    Nawal: Of course. And please call me Nawal. So, are you enjoying the conference, Mai?
    Mai: Yes, I am. I’m learning a lot about new medicines in Egypt.
    Nawal: Good. And where do you come from in Japan?
    Mai: I’m from Tokyo.
    Nawal: And is this your first visit to Cairo?
    Mai: Yes, it is. It’s very nice here …
    Tapescript 2:
    Nawal: Where are you going, Sally?
    Sally: To Soha’s flat, Mum. We’re doing our homework together.
    Nawal: What time are you coming back?
    Sally: About seven.
    Nawal: OK. Don’t be late home.
    Sally: No, Mum. See you later.
    Nawal: Bye for now, Sally.
    Hesham: Hello. I’m Hesham Zaki. I’m from the Egyptian Tourist Company. I’m here to help you during your stay.
    Woman: Pleased to meet you, Mr Zaki. My name’s Helen Atkins, and this is my husband,John.
    Man: Good afternoon …
    Nawal: Well, the conference is finished now.
    Mai: Yes, it was very good.
    Nawal: I hope to see you again next year.
    Mai: Thank you. It was very nice to meet you.
    Nawal: It was nice to meet you, too. Goodbye …
    Ahmed: Samy, I’m playing football this evening. Do you want to come and play, too?
    Samy: I would like to, but I can’t. I’ve got a lot of homework, and I’ve got a test in the morning.
    Ahmed: Well, maybe another time.
    Samy: See you at school tomorrow.
    Ahmed: Bye for now.
    Tapescript3: a
    Interviewer: Tamer, you are studying a language at the moment. Which one? Tamer: I’m having Italian lessons.
    Interviewer: Italian lessons?
    Tamer: Yes. My cousin lives in Italy and I’m visiting her next month.
    Interviewer: Are you learning a language at the moment, Liam?
    Liam: Yes, I am. I’m studying Turkish.I want to get a job with a company which sells computers in Turkey.That’s why I need to learn Turkish.
    Interviewer: What are you studying at university,Hanan?
    Hanan: I’m studying medicine. I want to be a doctor.
    Interviewer: Do you have any language lessons?
    Hanan: Yes, I do. We study medicine in English so I have lessons in English to make sure that I understand everything.
    Interviewer: You can speak four languages, Zahra. Is that right?
    Zahra: Five. I’m learning French at the moment.
    Interviewer: I see. Are you going to France?Zahra: No, it’s because I enjoy learning languages. I learn them to have fun!

English proverbs

1-Absence make the heart grow fonder:
People often feel more affectionate toward each other when they are apart.
2-Actions speak louder than words:
People's actions are more convincing than their words are.
After the feast comes the reckoning:
People must always pay the price of their excesses.
All that glitters is not gold:
Some things aren't as valuable as they appear to be.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away:
Eating an apple everyday helps a person stay healthy.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree:( Like father like son .)
Children take after their parents.
Bad news travel fast:
Reports of problems and misfortune spread quickly.
Barking dogs seldom bite:
People who threaten others usually don't hurt them.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder:
What seems ordinary or ugly to one person might seem beautiful to another.
Beggars can't be choosers:
When a person has nothing, he or she must accept whatever help is offered.
The best things in life are free:
The things that give a person the most happiness don't cost anything.

الجمعة، 12 سبتمبر 2008

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته
عزيزى الزائر : يسعدنى أن أقدم لك كل ما لدى من معرفة و خبرة فى مجال تدريس اللغة الانجليزية. متمنيا من الله أن ينفع به الجميع و أن يجعله الله فو ميزان حسناتى يوم أن القاه.